About Sidcot

The education offered at Sidcot goes well beyond academic
examination success. Sidcot aims to demonstrate to its pupils the qualities
essential to be successful in life. Essentially what makes Sidcot different from
other schools is the emphasis placed upon the quality of relationships
throughout the school. Every individual - from the youngest pupil to the oldest
member of staff - should treat others, and be treated by them, with dignity and
success is important in Sidcot, but we also place a high priority on the Quaker
belief that education is much broader than that. Education should be a joyful
experience of self-development and an inspiring introduction to the wonders of
creation. Sidcot has been a pioneer in co-education and in the pastoral care of
its community since the foundation of the first Quaker school here in 1699. The
challenge for those of us in education is to enable each child to develop their
talents to the full. This is what we aim to do at Sidcot.