英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy






八寶鴨 duck stuffed with the eight treasures 

八寶冬瓜 eight jewelled white gourd

八寶豆腐 beancurd with eight delicious

八寶飯 steamed glutinous rice with eight treasures; "eight treasures" rice pudding

八寶雞 stuffed chicken

八寶雞丁 eight treasures with diced chicken; diced chicken with assorted vegetables

八寶辣醬 eight treasures in hot sauce

八寶釀鴨 duck stuffed with eight delicacies

八寶蒸河鰻 steamed eel with eight treasures

八珍扒大鴨 stewed duck with chop suey

八珍扒鴨 eight-treasures braised ducking

八珍冬瓜盅 assorted meat soup with winter melon

八珍豆腐羹 beancurd & chop suey soup

白扒鮑魚(yú) braised abalone in white sauce

白八燕窩 swallow nest with white gravy

白扒魚(yú)翅 shark's fin in white gravy

白飯 plain rice

白肺湯 pork lung soup

白扣羊肉 boiled mutton

白蘿卜 white turnip

白切雞 plain chicken

白切肉 boiled pork slices; sliced boiled pork

白油烘蛋 baked/crispy egg in white oil; golden omelet

白玉藏珍 winter melon surprise

白斬雞 chopped cold (boiled) chicken; tender boiled chicken with soy sauce

白汁全魚(yú) mandarin fish with white sauce

白杓玻璃蝦 shrimps scalded with catchup

百花雞 chicken with stuffed shrimps

百花酥鶉蛋 stuffed shrimps with quail eggs

百頁(yè)肉絲 shredded pork & sliced minced leaf

百葉包肉 beancurd leaf rolls with minced pork

百葉肉絲 shredded pork & sliced beancurd leaf

拌干絲 beancurd noodles & celery salad

拌海蜇 jellyfish with soy sauce

拌黃瓜 fresh cucumber with bean sauce; mixed fresh cucumber

拌蘿卜絲 mixed shredded turnip

拌三絲 mixed shreds (chicken ham; cucumber; meat; etc.)

拌鴨掌 duck webs with soy sauce

拌海蜇皮 mixed jellyfish salad

棒棒雞 bon bon (steamed shredded) chicken

煲豬肉湯 stewed pork & vegetable soup

鮑魚(yú)菇 grey mushroom (abalonelike)

鮑魚(yú)雞片湯 sliced chicken & abalone soup

鮑魚(yú)蘆筍湯 abalone & asparagus soup

爆牛肚 fried tripes

爆全丁 fried medley dish

爆三樣 fried three kinds of meat

爆雙脆 fried three kinds of meat

北京烤鴨 fried pork stomach & chicken gizzard

荸薺罐 Beijing (roast) duck

碧綠釀仙掌 shrimp-stuffed fairy feet

碧綠野雞卷 stir-fried pork rolls with broccoli

碧玉珠蝦 azure jade freshwater shrimp

冰糖肘子 pork joint stewed with rock sugar

冰汁銀耳 white fungus in honey sauce

玻璃蝦球 "glassy" shrimp beancurd with spinach

菠菜 spinach

菠菜豆腐 stewed beancurd with spinach

菠菜豆腐湯 spinach & beancurd soup

菠菜泥 chopped spinach with ham & carrots

菠菜湯 spinach soup

菠蘿焗燒鴨 fried duck with pineapple

菠蘿鴨片 sliced duck with prineapple

菜扒三菇 mushrooms with vegetables

菜飯 vegetable rice

菜脯煎蛋 omelet with salted & dried radish

菜干 dried vegetable

菜片鵪鶉松 minced quail with lettuce

菜心獅子頭 greens & Chinese meatballs

菜心雙元湯 soup of chicken and fish balls with vegetables

菜心素鰻 mustard green stem with vegetables

菜蘧雞球 fried chicken balls with vegetables

菜蘧雞球飯 rice with chicken balls & vegetable

菜蘧牛肉 fried beef with vegetables

菜蘧肉片湯 sliced pork & vegetable soup

菜蘧蝦球 prawn balls with green kale

草菇 straw mushroom

草菇鮑魚(yú) abalone with button mushrooms

草菇菜心 cabbage heart with mushrooms; straw mushroom with stems of mustard greens

草菇罐 canned straw mushrooms

叉燒肉 barbecued/broiled pork

叉燒肉雞蛋花 barbecued pork with stuffed eggs

茶葉蛋 tea flavoured egg

長(zhǎng)壽菜 longevity greens/mustard green

長(zhǎng)壽面 long-life noodles

炒扁豆 stir-fried green beans

炒大蝦 fried prawns

炒蛋 scrambled eggs

炒冬菇 fried mushrooms

炒豆苗 fried bean sprouts

炒肚尖 fried pig's tripe tip

炒飯 fried rice

炒甘藍(lán)菜 fried kale

炒鴿松 fried minced pigeon

炒滑魚(yú)球 fried fish balls

炒雞蛋 scrambled egg

炒雞丁 stir-fried chicken cubes

炒雞什 fried chicken giblets

炒雞絲 fried/stir-fried chicken shreds

炒臘肉 stir-fried smoked pork

炒龍蝦片 fried sliced lobster

炒面 fried noodle

炒木須肉 stir-fried pork and eggs

炒牛肉絲 fried beef slices; fried shredded beef

炒肉丁 fried diced meat/pork; fried meat cubes

炒肉絲 fried pork shreds

炒軟肝 fried liver

炒雙脆 fried kidney with pork tripe

炒雙冬 fried bamboo shoots with mushrooms

炒四件 fried chicken liver & giblets with fungus & bamboo shoots

炒蝦球 fried shrimp balls

炒蝦腰 fried shrimp & pig kidney

炒響玲 fried bell shaped pork

炒蟹粉 fried crab meal

炒蟹肉 fried crab meal

炒雪筍 fried bamboo shoots

炒羊肚 fried lamb tripe

炒腰花 stir-fried kidney with assorted vegetable

炒腰片 fried sliced (pork) kidney; fried sliced raw pig's kidney

炒魚(yú)片 fried fish slices

炒玉蘭片 stir-fried bamboo shoot slices

炒豬肝 fried pig's livers

炒魷魚(yú) fried squid

炒魷魚(yú)卷 fried squid rolls

炒魷魚(yú)絲 fried shredded squid

炒鱔糊 fried eel paste

陳皮大蝦 orange flavoured prawns

陳皮雞 chicken with orange flavor; orange flavoured chicken

陳皮牛肉 beef with orange peel; orange flavoured chicken

陳皮子雞 chenpi chicken; chicken fried with orange peel

成都子雞 sauteed chicken; stir-fried chicken in Chengtu style

豉椒鴨片 fried sliced duck in chili bean sauce

豉汁牛肉 fried beef with soybean sauce

豉汁排骨 spareribs with soybean sauce

豉汁田雞 fried frog with soybean sauce

臭豆腐 fried beancurd of strong odour

臭豆腐干 fried pungent beancurd

川椒炒白菜 stir-fried cabbage with peppers

川鴨掌 duck's feet soup

川翼洋菇 stuffed chicken wing soup

串烤牛仔 veal brochettes

鶉蛋豬肚湯 pork stomach soup with quail eggs

蔥爆牛肉 sliced beef with scallions fried

蔥烤排骨 spare-ribs with scallion

蔥燒海參 scallion flavoured sea cucumbers

蔥燒鴨 onions duck

蔥燒鯽魚(yú) stewed carp with scallions

蔥酥鯽魚(yú) braised crisp crucian carp

蔥蒜炒雙肝 stir-fried liver with scallions & garlic

蔥油肥雞 boiled chicken with onion oil

蔥油烤魚(yú) roast fish with scallions

蔥油淋嫩雞 chicken steamed with scallions

醋辣雞 chicken in sour and chilli sauce

醋溜白菜 cabbage with sweet & sour sauce

醋溜肥蟹 fried crabs with sweet & sour sauce

醋溜黃魚(yú) yellow fish with honey sauce; sweet & sour yellow fish

醋溜魚(yú)卷 fish rolls in sour sauce

醋溜魚(yú)片 fish slices in vinegar gravy; sweet & sour sliced fish

脆皮八寶鴨 crisp fried stuffed duck

脆皮豆腐 crispy-skinned beancurd

脆皮鱖魚(yú) fried mandarin fish in sour and sweet

脆皮雞 crispy skinned chicken; chicken barbecued with spices; fried crisp chicken

脆皮全魚(yú) barbecued mandarin fish

脆皮乳鴿 roast spring pigeon

脆皮燒肥雞 crispy-skin chicken

脆皮蝦球 crisp shrimp balls

脆皮鴨 crispy skinned duck; duck barbecued with spices

脆皮魚(yú) fried crisp fish

脆皮炸腐角 deep-fried stuffed beancurd

脆皮魷魚(yú) deep fried squids

脆皮鯧魚(yú) crispy pomfret

大地炒鴿松 stir-fried minced dove with bream

大紅腸 bologna sausage

大黃瓜 cucumber

大龍蝦沙拉 lobster salad

大鹵面 boiled noodles with fungus; sliced pork & eggs

大拼盆 assorted cold dish

大肉面 pork noodles

大蒜鯰魚(yú) catfish with garlic

大頭菜 black salted turnip

大閘蟹 steamed crab

帶湯速煮面 instant noodles & soup base

蛋炒飯 fried rice with eggs

蛋花湯 soup of egg flakes

蛋餃 egg dumplings

蛋皮魚(yú)卷 fried fish roll

燈籠雞 chicken wrapped in cellophane/paper

冬菜 spiced cabbage

冬菇扒豆腐 braised Chinese mushrooms & beancurd

冬菇白菜 winter mushroom and Chinese cabbage

冬菇菜心 winter mushroom & mustard green stem

冬菇冬瓜湯 winter mushroom and winter melon soup

冬菇豆腐 beancurd with winter mushrooms

冬菇雞片湯 sliced chicken & mushroom soup

冬菇扣肉 red-fried vegetarian pork with winter mushroom

冬菇湯 winter mushroom & duck giblet soup

冬菇鴨雜湯 white gourd

冬瓜 white gourd

冬瓜火腿夾 hamstuffed white gourd in broth

冬瓜三味湯 three-flavored white gourd soup

冬瓜鴨塊 duck cutlets with white gourd

冬筍雞片 fried sliced chicken with bamboo shoots

凍雞 chicken in aspic

凍肉 cold pork; meat in aspic

凍肉卷 galantine

豆瓣鱖魚(yú) mandarin fish in chilli bean sauce

豆瓣醬 broad bean paste

豆瓣鯉魚(yú) carp braised with hot bean paste; crucian carp in chilli bean sauce

豆瓣牛肉 beef in chilli bean sauce

豆瓣鴨塊 duck cutlets in chilli sauce

豆包 wet skin of beancurd

豆腐 beancurd

豆腐干絲湯 dry beancurd shreds soup; shredded dried beancurd soup

豆腐海帶湯 beancurd & kelp soup; beancurd & edible seaweed soup

豆腐花 uncongealed beancurd

豆腐腦 uncongealed beancurd

豆干 dried tofu

豆苗蝦仁 fried shrimp with pea shoots; fried shrimp with bean-leaves

豆皮 skin of beancurd

豆豉生蠔 stir-fried oysters with black beans

豆豉蝦仁 fresh shrimp with black beans

豆豉蒸鯉魚(yú) carp steamed with fermented black beans

豆豉蒸排骨 steamed spareribs with fermented black beans

燉鴨 stewed duck

燉豬腳 stewed pig's feet

耳環(huán)魷魚(yú) squid-shreds in Sichuan style

發(fā)菜魚(yú)翅 hair-like seaweed with shark fins

番瓜 pumpkin

蕃茄蛋花湯 tomato & egg soup

蕃茄豆腐湯 tomato & beancurd soup

蕃茄鍋巴 tomato & pot-stuck rice

蕃茄牛肉飯 rice with tomato & beef

蕃茄魚(yú)片 tomato & fish slices

蕃茄玉米湯 tomato & corn soup

方便面 instant noodles

翡翠牛肉丸 emerald-jade beef croquettes

翡翠烏魚(yú)子 emerald-jade caviar

粉絲 mungbean noodle

粉蒸雞 steamed chicken with rice flour

粉蒸肉 steamed pork with rice flour

風(fēng)雞 dry breezed chicken; dry-blown chicken

鳳城炒鱔魚(yú)絲 stir-fried eel shreds

鳳肝菜膽 chicken livers with vegetables

鳳肝鴿片 sliced pigeon & chicken liver

鳳肝螺片 fried whelk slice & chicken livers

鳳肝鮮魷魚(yú) chicken livers with squid rolls

鳳肝鮮魷魚(yú)卷 chicken liver & squid rolls

鳳凰大拼盤(pán) phoenix appetizer plate

鳳尾蝦 phoenix-tailed prawns

鳳尾腰花 fried kidney

鳳尾魚(yú) long-tailed anchovy

鳳爪冬菇湯 mushroom & chicken feet soup

鳳爪湯 vegetable chicken feet soup
鳳爪冬菇湯 mushroom & chicken feet soup

鳳爪甲魚(yú)湯 turtle & chicken feet soup

芙蓉菜花 cauliflower with egg-white

芙蓉蛋 fried egg-white

芙蓉雞片 chicken slices with egg-white; omelet chicken slices; sliced chicken in egg-white sauce

芙蓉蝦仁 shrimps with egg-white

芙蓉蟹肉 crab meat with egg-white sauce

芙蓉竹筍湯 Sichuan bamboo shoot and egg-white soup

甘藍(lán)菜 kale borecole

橄欖菜 kale borecole

高麗肉條 deep-fried pork strips Korean style

高麗蝦丸 prawn balls in Korean style

鴿蛋 pigeon eggs

鴿蛋扒鴨 braised duck with pigeon eggs

鴿蛋肝湯 quail egg & liver soup

鴿蛋土司 toast fried with quail eggs

鴿湯 pigeon soup

蛤蜊湯 clam soup

蛤蜊蒸蛋 steamed eggs with clams

各式炒蛋 assorted omelets

公司湯 soup of the day

宮保雞丁 chicken cubes with peanuts; diced chicken with paprika; diced chicken in chilli sauce; stir-fried chicken with dried red pepper

宮保蝦仁 pungent vegetarian shrimps

宮保魷魚(yú) stir-fried squid rools

宮爆雞丁 chicken cubes with peanuts; diced chicken with paprika; diced chicken in chilli sauce; stir-fried chicken with dried red pepper

宮爆腰花 stir-fried kidney with chilli and peanuts

咕嚕蜜肉 sweet & sour pork; Cantonese/Guangdong style

古老肉 fried pork in sweet and sour sauce

古老肉 sweet & sour boneless pork

掛綠蝦丸 prawn balls with vegetable

怪味雞 spiced chicken with a wonderful taste; chicken with special hot sauce

怪味牛百葉 ox tripe of Sichuan style

罐頭牛肉 canned beef

罐頭碎牛肉 canned corned beef

罐燜鴨子 braised duck en casserole

罐燜羊肉 mutton en casserole

廣東叉燒肉 Guangdong Cantonese roast pork

廣東泡菜 Guangdong Cantonese pickled vegetable

廣州炒飯 fried rice in Guangdong style

廣州燴飯 steamed rice Guangdong style

貴妃斑魚(yú)卷 stir-fried fish rolls with corn

貴妃雞 chicken wings & legs braised in brown sauce; chicken wings & legs with brown sauce

鍋巴 crispy rice

鍋巴海參 sea cucumbers in crisp rice

鍋巴肉片 sliced meat with crispy rice; meat pieces with crispy rice

鍋巴三鮮 soup of rice crust and three delicacies

鍋巴蝦仁 fried shrimps with crisp rice

鍋巴蝦仁 shrimp with crisp rice

鍋燒羊肉 braised mutton

鍋塌豆腐 baked beancurd

鍋貼明蝦 fried fresh prawns on toast

鍋貼鴨 fried duck cutlets

鍋貼鴨片 pan-baked steamed duck

海參 sea cucumber; [France] beche-de-mer

海參鍋巴 sea cucumber with crispy rice

海米白菜 Chinese cabbage with dried shrimps

海米白菜湯 cabbage soup with dried shrimps

海堂百花菇 stuffed mushrooms with shrimp paste

海蜇皮 (salted) jellyfish

海蜇雙脆 crispy jellyfish

海鱔 sea sturgeon

蠔油焗雞 stewed chicken with oyster sauce

蠔油扒鳳翼 chicken wings with oyster sauce

蠔油扒鴨 grilled duck with oyster sauce

蠔油菜心 green cabbage in oyster sauce

蠔油叉燒 roast pork with oyster sauce

蠔油冬菇 fresh mushrooms with oyster sauce

蠔油雞球 chicken balls with oyster sauce

蠔油雞翼 chicken wings in oyster sauce

蠔油煎雞脯 sauteed chicken with oyster sauce

蠔油牛肉 oyster sauce beef; stir-fried beef with oyster sauce; beef in oyster-sauce

荷包蛋 poached eggs

荷葉米粉蒸肉 pork steamed with rice flour in lotus leaves

荷葉蒸雞 steamed chicken wrapped in lotus leaves

核桃雞丁 stir-fried chicken with walnuts; diced chicken with walnuts

合菜帶帽 assorted vegetable covered with egg; fried various vegetable with eggs

紅扒魚(yú)翅 braised shark's fin

紅蘿卜 carrot

紅燒鮑魚(yú) red-cooked abalone

紅燒唇翅 shark's lip & fin in brown sauce

紅燒豆腐 beancurd with brown sauce; red-cooked beancurd pieces

紅燒肚子 stewed pork tripe

紅燒對(duì)蝦 stewed prawns in soya sauce

紅燒干貝 stewed scallops with brown sauce

紅燒廣肚 shark's tripe braised in brown sauce

紅燒海參 sea cucumbers braised in brown sauce; red-cooked sea cucumber

紅燒河鰻 braised eel with brown sauce

紅燒黃魚(yú) red-cooked yellow fish

紅燒雞 braised chicken

紅燒甲魚(yú) turtle in brown sauce

紅燒面結(jié) carp in brown knots

紅燒明蝦 fried prawns braised in brown sauce; fried prawns with brown sauce

紅燒牛肉 beef with brown sauce; braised beef

紅燒牛雜拌 braised beef offal

紅燒牛腩 stewed beef tenderloin chunks

紅燒排骨 spareribs braised in brown sauce; red-cooked spareribs

紅燒茄子 red-cooked eggplant

紅燒全鴨 braised whole duck in soy sauce

紅燒全魚(yú) mandarin fish with brown sauce

紅燒肉 braised pork; pork braised in brown sauce; stewed pork with brown sauce; red-cooked pork

紅燒獅子頭 pork balls stewed in brown sauce

紅燒啼筋 braised pork tendons

紅燒丸子 stewed meat balls

紅燒鴨 duck with brown sauce

紅燒羊肉 stewed mutton

紅燒魚(yú) fish in brown sauce

紅燒魚(yú)翅 braised shark's fins; shark's fin in brown sauce; stewed shark's fin

紅燒魚(yú)肚 braised fish maw; fish tripe with brown sauce

紅燒魚(yú)頭 stewed fish head with brown sauce

紅燒魚(yú)丸 fish balls with/in brown sauce

紅燒魚(yú)圓 fish balls with/in brown sauce

紅燒鰻魚(yú) braised congo eel

紅油肚丁 pork tripe with hot pepper oil

紅油雞丁 diced chicken with hot sauce

紅油雞塊 cold chicken appetizer with hot sauce

紅油鴨掌 duck webs in chilli sauce

紅油魚(yú)肚 fish maw in chilli sauce

紅糟鴨片 duck slices in wine sauce

紅棗小雞 dried red dates with vegetable chicken

紅燜牛肉 braised beef

紅燜筍尖 braised bamboo shoots tips

紅燜肘子 braised pork joint

紅燜豬腿 braised leg of pork

紅煨牛肉 stewed beef

紅煨羊肉 haricot mutton

葫蘆八寶雞 gourd-shaped chicken with stuffing

胡瓜 pickled cucumbers

蝴蝶大拼盤(pán) butterfly appetizer

蝴蝶明蝦 prawns with mushrooms

虎皮鶉蛋 wrapped quail eggs

花燈大拼盤(pán) colored lantern appetizer plate

花瓜 pickled cucumbers

花瓜燉雞 chicken & pickled cucumber stew

花椒牛肉 cayenne beef

花生醬 peanut butter/paste

花生蒸肉 steamed pork with peanuts

滑蛋牛肉 fried beef with scrambled eggs

滑蛋牛肉飯 rice with sliced beef & eggs

滑蛋魚(yú)片 fried fish pieces with scrambled eggs

滑溜里脊 pork slices with gravy

滑牛肉丸湯 beef ball soup

滑肉片 sliced pork with cream sauce

滑肉湯面 boiled noodles with pork

滑魚(yú)片湯 sliced fish soup

黃豆芽 yellow soybean sprout

黃瓜滑肉片湯 cucumber & sliced meat soup

黃酒燜全鴨 braised duck in rice wine

黃酒燜豬排 braised pork chops in rice wine

黃魚(yú)羹 yellow fish soup

回鍋肉 double-cooked pork slices; stir-fried boiled pork slices in hot sauce

回鍋魚(yú)翅 double-cooked shark's fin

燴紅椒 red peppers in gravy

燴雞絲 chicken shreds with peas

燴鴨絲 duckling shreds & mixed vegetable soup

燴鴨掌 braised duck feet/webs

火鍋 chafing dish

火腿 ham (pork); Chinese ham (pork)