Cheadle Hulme School,錢德?tīng)柟分袑W(xué),錢德?tīng)柟穼W(xué)校
Claremont Road, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle,
Cheshire SK8 6EF
Tel: 0161 488 3345 Fax: 0161 488 3344
• CO-ED, 4–18, Day
• Pupils 1394, Upper sixth 128
• Termly fees £1879–£2377
• Enquiries/application to the Registrar
What it’s like
Founded as a co-educational school in 1855, and originally known as the
Manchester Warehousemen and Clerks’ Orphan Schools, it remains faithful to its
charitable origins. It was one of the first co-educational schools to join HMC
and became independent in 1976 when the Direct Grant Scheme ended. On a single
urban site, set in 80 acres of grounds near Manchester, the original Victorian
buildings have been modernised. There have been extensive additions over the
years, the most recent including a computer-aided language learning centre,
computer centre and all weather floodlit sports pitch. The junior school is on
the same site, and both are surrounded by extensive playing fields. The school
is non-denominational. A sound academic education is given and examination
results are very good. Music, art and drama are strong. There are regular
county, and occasional national, representatives in sport.
School profile
Pupils & entrance
Pupils: Total age range 4–18; 1394 day pupils (741 boys, 653
girls). Senior department 11–18, 1101 pupils (570 boys, 531 girls).
Entrance: Main entry ages 4–9, 11, 13, 16. Own entrance exam used. No
special skills or religious requirements.
Scholarships, bursaries & extras Limited number of bursaries at Year
7. Parents not expected to buy textbooks.
Head & staff
Headmaster: Paul Dixon, in post from 2001. Educated at Bexhill County
Grammar School and Oxford University (zoology). Previously Headmaster at Reigate
Grammar School, and Deputy Head at Stockport Grammar and has taught biology at
St Dunstan’s, at Brighton College and at Winchester College. Former member of
HMC sports sub-committee, governor of a girls’ prep school and a member of
Surrey University Court; active sportsman (basketball blue, two successive
Teaching staff: 97 full time, 15 part time. Annual turnover 10%. Average
age 41.
Exam results
GCSE: In 2003, 166 pupils in Year 11: 95% gained at least grade C in 8+
subjects, 4% in 6–7 subjects. Average GCSE score 60 (over 5 years).
A-levels: 128 in upper sixth. Average final point score achieved by upper
sixth formers 382.
University & college entrance 98% of 2003 sixth-form leavers went on
to a degree course (19% after a gap year), 3% to Oxbridge. 6% took courses in
medicine, 34% in science & engineering, 55% in humanities & social sciences, 2%
in art & design.
Curriculum GCSE, AS and A-levels. 25 AS/A-level subjects.
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3 at A-level;
in addition, all take AS and A-level general studies. 21% take science A-levels;
36% arts/humanities; 43% both. Key skills integrated into sixth-form courses.
Vocational: Work experience available.
Special provision: Links with local support agencies where appropriate
for pupils who are dyslexic, mildly visually handicapped and those needing EFL.
Languages: French, German and Spanish offered to GCSE and A-level.
Regular exchanges (France, Germany and Spain).
ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject (1–2 lessons/week in Years 7–8)
and across the curriculum, eg in geography to access current data on the
internet. 160 computers for pupil use (10 hours a day), all networked and with
email and internet access, plus 30 laptops for class use; all classrooms being
The arts
Music: Up to 50% of pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams
can be taken. Some 12 musical groups including orchestras, choirs, jazz and wind
bands, various string groups. Pupils regularly accepted by music colleges or to
read music at university.
Drama: Drama offered and GCSE, AS and A-level may be taken. Some pupils
are involved in school productions.
Art & design: On average, 45 take GCSE, 13 AS-level, 11 A-level. Design,
ceramics, textiles, photography also offered.
Sport & activities
Sport: All pupils encouraged to take part in school’s wide-ranging games
programme including rugby, hockey, soccer, cross-country, netball, swimming,
tennis, cricket, athletics, badminton. Occasional representatives in national
teams, regularly at county level in a number of sports.
Activities: Pupils take Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Community service
optional. Clubs include computer, electronics, chess and others.
School life
Uniform: School uniform worn throughout.
Houses & prefects: No competitive houses. Prefects, head boy/girl,
appointed by the Head on advice. School Council.
Religion: No compulsory religious worship.
Social: Many organised trips to France, Germany, Italy/Greece, skiing
each year. Pupils allowed to bring own car, bike or motorbike to school. Meals
self-service. No tobacco or alcohol allowed.
Discipline Pupils failing to produce homework once might expect a
verbal reprimand and to do the homework. It is school policy to maintain a
drug-free environment.
Alumni association is run by the Development Office (tel 0161 488
3341, website www.oldwaconians.co.uk).