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Edgbaston High School for Girls







Edgbaston High School for Girls 艾吉巴斯頓女子中學, 艾吉巴斯頓女子學校Westbourne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3TS
Tel: 0121 454 5831

• GIRLS, 2_–18, Day
• Pupils 930, Upper sixth 57
• Termly fees £1055–£2370
• Enquiries/application to the Registrar

What it’s like

Founded in 1876 it is the longest established girls’ independent school in Birmingham. It moved in 1962 to its present attractive 4-acre site (plus 8 acres of playing fields), next to the Botanical Gardens and 2 miles from the city centre. The senior school is combined with the pre-prep and prep departments and is very well equipped with an indoor swimming pool, up-to-date facilities for IT and a new multi-purpose hall. Academic standards are high and examination results are very good. Parents are supportive in time and energy and the staff place emphasis on the importance of good relationships with their pupils and do much to create a friendly atmosphere. Pastoral care is a strength of the school. There is a good variety of cultural activities. Music is strong and the performing arts are well represented. There is a wide range of sports (including life-saving and fencing) and standards are high in a number of sports – an impressive number of teams and individual representation at county, regional and national level. Notable success in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. The girls have opportunities for community service, work experience and a careers programme which aims to help each girl develop as an individual.

School profile

Pupils & entrance

Pupils: Total age range 2_–18, 930 day girls. Senior department 11–18, 480 day girls.
Entrance: Main entry ages 11 and 16. Own entrance exam and interview; for sixth-form entry, 6 good GCSEs (usually grade A in AS-level subjects).

Scholarships & bursaries
Some academic scholarships (at 11+ and 16+), value 25%–50% fees: 2 music (at 11+ and 16+), sports (at 16+). Variable number of bursaries.

Head & staff

Headmistress: Miss Elizabeth Mullenger, in post from 1998. Educated at Bolton School (Girls’ Division) and universities of Wales, Birmingham and Bristol (English, education, drama). Previously Headmistress of St James’s and the Abbey, Head of English at King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls, Joint Head of First Year at Falmer High and assistant English teacher at Westlain Grammar School, Brighton. Also FRSA; governor of two schools; serves on GSA Council and Chairman of GSA Midlands.
Teaching staff: 68 full time, 27 part time. Annual turnover 3%. Average age 43.

Exam results

GCSE: In 2003, 75 pupils in Year 11: 97% gained at least grade C in 5+ subjects; average 8.9 subjects. Average GCSE score 60 (58 over 5 years).
A-levels: 62 in upper sixth. Average passed 3.2 subjects with a final point score of 390.

University & college entrance
97% of 2003 sixth-form leavers went on to a degree course (20% after a gap year), 2% to Oxbridge. 18% took courses in medicine, dentistry & veterinary science, 13% in science & engineering, 52% in humanities & social sciences, 17% in other subjects. Typically a few go on to art and music colleges.

GCSE, AS and A-levels. 23–24 AS/A-level subjects (including Latin and Greek).
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3 at A-level; in addition, all take general studies AS-level, A-level optional. 17% take science A-levels; 41% arts/humanities; 41% both. Key skills integrated into sixth-form courses.
Vocational: Work experience available.
Languages: French (from age 4), German and Spanish (from Year 8) offered to GCSE and A-level. Short courses in sixth form in Italian. Regular exchanges (France, Belgium, Germany, Spain).
ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject (2 lessons/week in Years 7–9) and across the curriculum. Year 9 take Clait; sixth form can take ECDL; also GCSE and A-level. 46 computers for pupil use (8 hours a day), majority networked and with email and internet access.

The arts

Music: At least 50% of pupils play a musical instrument; instrumental exams taken each term. Several musical ensembles: choirs, orchestra, windband, recorders, strings, flutes, brass and guitar. Many pupils also involved in local and county orchestras and competitive festivals.
Drama & dance: Both offered. Own youth theatre; at least one major production a year eg The House of Bernarda Alba, The Boyfriend, Antigone, involving some 80 girls (acting, production etc). Variety of dance offered: ballet, contemporary dance, jazz, tap etc. Dance and movement show involving girls of all ages and professional companies invited to give workshops.
Art & design: On average 45 take GCSE, 14 A-level. Computer graphics, ceramics, textiles also offered. Regular visits to exhibitions and galleries throughout the country; trips abroad; annual art exhibition.

Sport & activities

Sport: Hockey, netball, dance, gymnastics, health related fitness, basketball, volleyball, swimming, badminton, athletics, rounders and tennis are taught. Year 10 have options eg volleyball, basketball, table tennis, badminton, dance, aerobics, cricket, swimming and running; Year 10–11 out-of-school activities eg skiing, rock climbing; sixth form options eg self-defence, fitness, aerobics, golf, climbing, ice skating, squash, pool lifeguard and community sports leaders award. GCSE and A-level PE available. County reps in eg hockey, netball, tennis, rounders, cross-country, fencing, squash, synchronised swimming, skiing and sailing.
Activities: Pupils take bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Community service in sixth form. Up to 30 clubs, eg fencing, yoga, lifesaving, drama, ceramics, cookery.

School life

Uniform: School uniform worn except in sixth form.
Houses & prefects: Competitive houses. Sixth-form committee, head girl and deputies, and heads of house. School student council.
Religion: Non-denominational. Regular school assemblies. Attendance at religious worship encouraged but not compulsory.
Social: Young Enterprise, debates, careers functions with other local schools. Language exchanges abroad; sports links with USA and Australia. Strong links with local business community. Pupils discouraged from bringing own car, bike or motorbike to school because of parking difficulties. Meals self-service. No tobacco or alcohol allowed.

Any girl involved in dealing or using drugs on the premises might expect expulsion.