英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


Felsted School







Felsted School 菲爾斯特德中學(xué),菲爾斯特德學(xué)校

Great Dunmow,
Essex CM6 3LL
Tel: 01371 820258 Fax: 01371 821232
Website: www.felsted.org
• CO-ED, 13–18, Day & Boarding
• Pupils 450, Upper sixth 84
• Termly fees £4918 (Day), £6615 (Boarding)
• Enquiries/application to the Headmaster

What it’s like

Founded in 1564, it lies in the village of Felsted in beautiful countryside. A number of the original 16th-century buildings are still in use and there have been many modern developments. Architecturally the whole school is extremely pleasing and it has splendid grounds covering some 70 acres. Virtually every conceivable modern facility is provided, including comfortable boarding accommodation. It is a C of E school and all pupils attend the various services in chapel. The school (and the prep school) have been fully co-educational since 1993, after 20 years of taking girls into the sixth form. An excellent all-round education is provided and examination results are very good. The music, drama and art departments are strong and there is a wide range of sports and games in which high standards are achieved (many international, regional and county representatives). Good range of extra-curricular activities. Substantial commitment to local community services and participation in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.

School profile

Pupils & entrance

Pupils: Age range 13–18; 450 pupils, 162 day pupils (107 boys, 55 girls), 288 boarding (189 boys, 99 girls).
Entrance: Main entry ages 13 and 16. Common Entrance or own exam used; for sixth-form entry, 6 GCSEs at least grade C (5 for internal candidates). No special skills or religious requirements. Small state school entry at 13 (15% new entrants to sixth form). 20+% from own prep (enquiries to the Headmistress, Felsted Prep School, tel 01371 822610).

Scholarships, bursaries & extras
Scholarships (academic, art, music, CDT), value 10%–50% fees, and foundation awards (all-round or specific ability), means-tested up to 20% – awarded at 11, 13 and 16. Bursaries for existing pupils whose parents’ financial circumstances have changed. Parents expected to buy books in sixth form only; £150 average extras.

Head & staff

Headmaster: Stephen Roberts, in post from 1993. Educated at Mill Hill and Oxford University (physics). Previously Housemaster and Head of Physics at Oundle and physics/electronics teacher at Christ’s Hospital.
Teaching staff: 50 full time, 2 part time. Annual turnover 6%. Average age 40.

Exam results

GCSE: In 2003, 81 pupils in Year 11: 98% gained grade C or above in 8+ subjects; 2% in 5–7 subjects. Average GCSE score 55 (53 over 5 years).
A-levels: 97 in upper sixth: 22% passed in 4+ subjects; 71% in 3; 7% in 2. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 312.

University & college entrance
98% of 2003 sixth-form leavers went on to a degree course (45% after a gap year), 6% to Oxbridge. 8% took courses in medicine, dentistry & veterinary science, 13% in science & engineering, 5% in law, 45% in humanities & social sciences, 5% in art & design, 10% in vocational subjects eg land management, physiotherapy, 10% in other subjects. Others typically go in to the City.

GCSE, AS and A-levels. 20–20 AS/A-level subjects.
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3 at A-level; in addition, general studies AS-level is an option (A-level not taken).
Vocational: Work experience available.
Special provision: Certificate of competence in English taken.
Languages: French, German and Spanish to GCSE and A-level; German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish offered at RSA and as non-examined subjects. All pupils study 2 modern foreign languages during the first year. Regular exchanges on demand.
ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject (1–2 lessons/week in Years 7–9) and across the curriculum. 150 computers for pupil use (open all day), all networked and with email and internet access. Laptop scheme in operation; pupils can connect their own machines to the school network.

The arts

Music: 40% of pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams can be taken. Some 15+ musical groups including 2 orchestras, 4 choirs, bands (including jazz), chamber groups, rock bands. Places regularly won at music college; several members of county youth orchestra.
Drama: Drama offered. A-level theatre studies may be taken. Majority of pupils are involved in school and house/other productions. Group recently performed in the USA.
Art & design: On average, 25 take GCSE, 20 A-level. Design, pottery, textiles, photography also offered. Places gained at the Slade and l’Ecole des Beaux Arts. Annual Arts Festival.

Sport & activities

Sport: Hockey, rugby, cricket compulsory initially for boys; hockey, netball, rounders or tennis for girls. Optional: badminton, basketball, squash, table tennis, athletics, swimming, tennis, netball, rounders, water polo, climbing, sub-aqua, cross-country, cycling, shooting, riding. International representatives at rugby, hockey, cricket and shooting; many county and regional representatives; continued success against other schools in a number of sports.
Activities: Pupils take bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. CCF optional for 3 years at age 15; community service for 2 years at 16. Up to 30 clubs, eg classical, fine arts, hill walking and mountaineering, photography, public-speaking, debating.

School life

Uniform: School uniform worn.
Houses & prefects: Prefects (who support house masters/mistresses).
Religion: C of E chapel 4 times a week (pupils of other religions may be exempted at parents’ request). Voluntary Holy Communion services.
Social: Meals self-service. School shop sells clothing, sports equipment and tuck. No tobacco allowed; sixth-form bar at weekends (wine and beer).

Pupils failing to produce homework once could expect a reprimand or extra work; any pupil caught smoking cannabis on the premises must expect expulsion (always expelled for selling or distributing); some random testing where drug use is suspected.

66% in studies of 1 or 2. Single-sex houses, same as competitive houses, up to 60 pupils. Resident SRNs; daily doctor’s surgery. Central dining room. Half-term plus 2 weekend exeats.