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St Albans School 







St Albans School 圣奧爾本斯學校,圣奧爾本斯中學, Abbey Gateway,
St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4HB
Tel: 01727 855521 Fax: 01727 843447

• BOYS, MIXED SIXTH, Boys 11–18, Girls 16–18, Day
• Pupils 730, Upper sixth 110
• Termly fees £3331
• Enquiries/application to the Headmaster

What it’s like

Its origins date to the pre-Norman monastic school which, by 1100, occupied buildings near its present site and was controlled by the Abbot of St Albans. In c.1570 Elizabeth I granted it a charter and late in the 19th century it moved into the Abbey Gateway. It is urban and the buildings are on the same site, but extensive playing fields and a pavilion recently opened on a 45-acre site on the outskirts of the town. Architecturally, it comprises a very interesting mixture of buildings dating from the late Middle Ages to the 1990s. Very well equipped with modern facilities, its main aim is to develop talent and responsibility and it retains close links with the Abbey. Girls have been accepted in the sixth form since 1991. Academic standards are high and examination results very good. It has flourishing music, art and drama departments, a good range of sport and games and a thriving CCF. A good deal of use is made of its field study centre in South Wales. A big commitment to local community services, and an outstanding record in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.

School profile

Pupils & entrance

Pupils: Age range 11–18; 730 day pupils, 700 boys; approx 30 girls.
Entrance: Main entry ages 11, 13 and 16. Common Entrance and own exam used; for sixth-form entry, 6 GCSEs at least grade B (A in sixth-form subjects). No special skills or religious requirements. Significant state school entry at 11 and 16, few at 13. Pupils are drawn from a range of schools at all entry ages.

Scholarships, bursaries & extras
16+ pa scholarships, value 10%–50% fees: 12 academic, 2+ music and 2+ art (4 at 11, 8 at 13 and 4+ at 16). Approx 10 pa bursaries. Parents not expected to buy textbooks; £25 maximum extras.

Head & staff

Headmaster: Andrew Grant, in post since 1993. Educated at Southend High School and Cambridge University (English). Previously Second Master at Royal Grammar, Guildford, and Head of English at Whitgift.
Teaching staff: 68 full time, 4 part time. Annual turnover 10%. Average age 46.

Exam results

GCSE: On average, 120 pupils in fifth, of whom 98% gain at least grade C in 8+ subjects. Average GCSE score 61 (58 over 5 years).
A-levels: 110 in upper sixth, 99% pass in 3+ subjects. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 406.

University & college entrance
99% of 2003 sixth-form leavers went on to a degree course (38% after a gap year), 6% took courses in medicine, dentistry & veterinary science, 16% in science & engineering, 4% in law, 55% in humanities & social sciences, 4% in art & design, 15% other subjects (eg sports science, film and TV, business studies). The remainder typically go into management training in the financial sector.

GCSE, AS and A-levels. 24 AS-level subjects, 22 A-level.
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3 at A-level; in addition, all take AS-level general studies, A-level optional. 42% take science A-levels; 45% arts/humanities;
13% both. Key skills integrated into courses.
Vocational: Work experience available.
Special provision: for mild dyslexia.
Languages: French, German and Spanish offered to GCSE and A-level (French compulsory to GCSE); Italian as non-examined subject. Regular exchanges; work experience in France. Satellite TV in all classrooms.
ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject (2 lessons a week Years 7–8) and across the curriculum. 80 computers for pupil use (9 hours a day) all networked and with internet access.

The arts

Music: 30% of pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams can be taken. Some 10 musical groups including wind bands, string groups, rock bands, jazz bands, choir, chamber orchestra.
Drama & dance: Both offered. GCSE and A-level drama may be taken. Large number of pupils involved in all productions. Recent major rock musical, written and produced in-house.
Art & design: On average, 30 take GCSE, 10 A-level. Design, photography, printmaking including etching also offered.

Sport & activities

Sport: Compulsory sports (at various stages): rugby, hockey, cricket, athletics, tennis, badminton, gymnastics, basketball, football, volleyball, cross-country, softball, health-related fitness, table tennis. Optional: golf, mountaineering, sailing, squash, swimming, karate, aerobics and netball. Regular national representatives in cross-country; regional reps in cricket and rugby; county reps in rugby, football, hockey, cricket, athletics, tennis, badminton, golf, swimming, cross-country. Major rugby, cross-country, cricket and hockey tours.
Activities: Pupils must choose one of 4 options for 2 years at age 15: Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (silver and gold), CCF, community service, conservation. Up to 18 clubs, eg orienteering, choral society, bridge, chess, debating, table tennis, skiing, basketball, drama, jazz.

School life

Uniform: School uniform worn, except sixth formers who wear smart business clothes.
Houses & prefects: Competitive houses. Prefects, head of school – appointed by the Headmaster after consultation with staff and sixth form.
Religion: Compulsory services in Abbey, unless parents request otherwise.
Social: Joint theatrical productions, oratorios, general studies, community service camp, fêtes etc with other local schools. Skiing trips; mountaineering trips; exchanges to France, Germany and the USA; classics trips to Italy and Greece; sports tours to eg Holland, West Indies, Argentina. Pupils allowed to bring own bike to school (no parking on site for those who drive their cars or motorbikes). Meals self-service. School shop. No tobacco or alcohol allowed.

Pupils caught smoking cannabis on the premises could expect expulsion.

Former pupils
Professor Lord Renfrew; Professor S Hawking; Tim Rice; Nicholas Breakspeare (Pope Adrian IV); James Shirley (playwright); Mike Newell (film producer: Four Weddings and a Funeral).