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    英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


    St Bede's Senior School







    St Bede's Senior School 圣比茲高級(jí)中學(xué), 圣比茲高級(jí)學(xué)校The Dicker, Hailsham,
    East Sussex BN27 3QH
    Tel: 01323 843252 Fax: 01323 442628
    • CO-ED, 12–19, Day & Boarding
    • Pupils 707, Upper sixth 100
    • Termly fees £3860 (Day), £6280 (Boarding)
    • SHMIS
    • Enquiries/application to the Headmaster

    What it’s like

    Founded in 1978 as a co-educational school, it is set in the village of Upper Dicker in the countryside. The buildings and playing fields occupy four sites around this small village. The main building is a large country house situated in 20 acres (formerly the home of the egregious and notorious Horatio Bottomley). In all, the school covers some 200 acres. There has been steady expansion and the school has increased from 22 pupils at its foundation to its present size. Other developments are under way and its facilities are already very good. It enjoys a staff:student ratio of about 1:8. The academic standards are high and examination results good. It is strong in music, drama and art, and has a very wide range of games (particularly strong in swimming and tennis), sports and activities. There are over 100 clubs and societies providing for almost every conceivable interest. Outdoor pursuits are very popular and the school has its own riding stables, indoor competition-size swimming pool, squash courts and practice golf course.

    School profile

    Pupils & entrance

    Pupils: Age range 12–19; 707 pupils, 395 day (243 boys, 152 girls), 312 boarding (199 boys, 113 girls).
    Entrance: Main entry ages 12, 13 and 16. Common Entrance or own exam used; for sixth-form entry, GCSE grade B in subjects taking on to A-level (but A in maths). No special skills or religious requirements. 25% of intake from St Bede's Prep School, Eastbourne (tel 01323 734222).

    Scholarships & bursaries
    Approx 24 pa scholarships, value 10%–50% fees: academic, dance, sport, art, drama and music (20 at 13, 6 at 16 and 2 at other ages). Bursaries available for particular individuals.

    50+% live within 30 miles; 25+% live overseas.

    Head & staff

    Headmaster: Stephen Cole, appointed 2001. Educated at Auckland University (education) and Auckland College of Education. Previously Headmaster at St Paul’s Collegiate, Auckland, New Zealand.
    Teaching staff: 90 full time, 8 part time. Annual turnover 10%. Average age 35.

    Exam results

    GCSE: On average, 130 in upper fifth: average gains at least grade C in 8 subjects, with GCSE score of 51 (47 over 5 years).
    A-levels: 100 in upper sixth: average passes an average of 3 subjects at A-level, 1 at AS. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 311.

    University & college entrance
    93% of 2003 sixth-form leavers went on to a UK degree course (15% after a gap year). 26% took courses in science & engineering, 46% in humanities & social sciences, 28% in art, music, drama. Others typically go on to courses abroad or directly into employment.

    GCSE, AS and A-levels, also some AVCEs. 30 GCSE subjects (including Arabic, Japanese, rural studies, food and nutrition, commerce and photography); 3 AVCEs both double and single award.
    Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3 at A-level (range 2–6); general studies is taught but not examined. Key skills integrated into sixth-form courses.
    Vocational: Work experience available. ICT key skills course; AVCE in business, performing arts and art & design.
    Special provision: for EFL and specific learning difficulties.
    Languages: French, German, Italian and Spanish offered to GCSE, AS and A-level; also Dutch, Latin, Ancient Greek, Russian, Chinese and Japanese GCSE. Regular exchanges.
    ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject (2 lessons/week in Years 9–11) and across the curriculum; skills developed in IT lessons then applied in other subjects. Most pupils take Clait and key skills ICT level II. 100 computers for pupil use (13 hours a day), all with e-mail and internet access and on campus-wide wireless network. Laptops encouraged.

    The arts

    Music: Approx 50% of pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams can be taken. Some 9 musical groups including orchestra, choir, chamber groups, brass, woodwind, jazz, rock groups etc. Recent successes in Eastbourne Festival (2004).
    Drama & dance: Both offered. GCSE drama, A-level theatre studies and AVCE performing arts; A-level dance and Legat professional dance course offered. Majority of pupils are involved in school productions and all in house/other productions. Former pupils currently at Central, Mountview and Crouch Hill; annual tour through south-east; annual theatrical gala; 3 principal school productions annually.
    Art & design: On average, 70 pa take GCSE, 40 A-level and 12 AVCE. Graphic design, ceramics, textiles, photography, history of art also offered. All applicants gained entry to art college in past 3 years.

    Sport & activities

    Sport: No compulsory sports – all pupils advised to take part in physical activity once a week. Optional: soccer, rugby, squash, tennis, cricket, athletics, hockey, netball, rounders, swimming, badminton, archery, golf, cross-country, riding, dry skiing, go-kart racing, sailing, windsurfing, tae kwando, canoeing, rock-climbing, fly fishing, step aerobics, shooting, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, weight training, and table tennis. GCSE and A-level PE and BHS, RYA exams may be taken. National players in tennis, squash and badminton; county players in tennis, badminton, soccer, netball, hockey, cricket, rugby; county champions in squash, swimming, cross-country running and soccer.
    Activities: Pupils take bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. ACF and community service both optional. Over 100 clubs, including scientific, engineering, literary, art/craft, music, film, debating, social activities.

    School life

    Uniform: Uniformity of dress.
    Houses & prefects: Prefects, head of school, head of house and house perfects – appointed by the Headmaster and housestaff.
    Religion: Multi-religious school meetings on Sundays and mid-week; plus C of E, RC and Free Church services.
    Social: Musical and termly theatrical productions with local schools. Annual school skiing trip, French, German and Spanish visits, expeditions to Iceland, Borneo, Mexico and USA. Meals self-service. Sixth-form common room sells beer and cider twice a week under staff supervision.

    Pupils failing to produce homework once might expect work detention; detention and gating for misdemeanours; expulsion for drug offences.

    All upper fifth and sixth form have single or double study bedrooms; 35 in dormitories of 6+. Single-sex houses of 40–70. School doctor visits every morning. Central dining room. 3–4 optional weekend exeats each term. Weekend outings for boarders.Visits to local towns allowed.

    Former pupils
    Clare Wood and Julie Salmon (tennis players).