英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


St John's College







St John's College 圣約翰中學, 圣約翰學院Grove Road South, Southsea, Hampshire PO5 3QW
Tel: 023 9281 5118. Fax: 023 9287 3603
Website: www.stjohnscollege.co.uk
• COED, 2–18 Day, 8–18 Boarding
• Pupils 633, Upper sixth 54
• Termly fees £1575–£2260 (Day), £4800–£5300 (Boarding)
• Enquiries/application to the Headmaster


Pupils: Total age range 2–18; 633 pupils, 532 day (376 boys, 156 girls), 101 boarding (81 boys, 20 girls). Main entry ages: 2, 5, 11, 13, 16.
Headmaster: N W Thorne, appointed 2001.
Religion: RC.
School founded: 1908.