英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy  






St Mary's College  圣瑪麗中學(xué),圣瑪麗學(xué)院

St Mary’s College/Crosby, Crosby,
Merseyside L23 5TW
Tel: 0151 924 3926 Fax: 0151 932 0363
• CO-ED, 0–18, Day
• Pupils 978, Upper sixth 65
• Termly fees £1175–£2113
• Enquiries/application to the Principal’s PA

What it’s like

Founded in 1919 by the Christian Brothers. The first school buildings were erected in 1923 and there has been regular expansion and development since; it now has very good facilities. The prep school is on a separate site. Originally a boys’ school, it has been fully co-educational since 1989. It is a Roman Catholic foundation and 80% of pupils are RCs, but other denominations are welcome. A sound general education is provided and examination results are good. There is considerable strength in art, drama and music (all 11-year olds take up an instrument). A good range of sports and games in which high standards are achieved. Good range of extra-curricular activities including the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and a flourishing CCF.

School profile

Pupils & entrance

Pupils: Total age range 0–18; 978 day pupils (532 boys, 446 girls). Senior department 11–18, 638 pupils (367 boys, 271 girls).
Entrance: Main entry ages 0, 7, 11, 13 and 16. Own entrance exam used; for sixth-form entry, 7 GCSEs with 38 points (grade B in sixth-form subjects). No special skills required; RC school, other practising Christians admitted. State school entry, 50+% of intake at 11 and 16.

Scholarships, bursaries & extras
21 pa academic scholarships, value 20%–50% fees, (15 at 11, 6 at 16). Some bursaries. Parents not expected to buy textbooks, nor pay for extras such as music lessons.

Head & staff

Principal: Jean Marsh, in post from 2003. Educated at St Peter’s Convent, Athlone, and at Manchester University and Open University (economics, MSc psychology). Previously Deputy Head and Head of Sixth Form at the school and Head of Economics Department at Stockport Grammar School.
Teaching staff: 65 full time, 15 part time. Annual turnover 5%. Average age 47.

Exam results

GCSE: In 2003, 95 pupils in upper fifth: 76% gain at least grade C in 8+ subjects; 15% in 5–7 subjects. Average GCSE score 58 (over 5 years).
A-levels: 65 in upper sixth: 80% pass in 4+ subjects; 15% in 3 subjects. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 325.

University & college entrance
98% of sixth-form leavers go on to a degree course (5% after a gap year). 4% take courses in medicine, dentistry & veterinary science, 28% in science & engineering, 25% in humanities & social sciences, 10% in art & design, 19% in business and finance, 6% in other vocational subjects eg nursing, para-medical. Others typically go on to the armed forces, banking etc.

GCSE, AS and A-levels. 21 subjects offered at AS/A-level.
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3 at A-level; A-level general studies an additional option. 38% take science A-levels; 30% arts/humanities; 32% both. Key skills not offered.
Vocational: Work experience available.
Languages: French, Spanish and German offered to GCSE and A-level. Regular exchanges to France, Germany and Spain.
ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject (2 lessons a week Years 7–11) and across the curriculum (eg classics, maths). ECDL compulsory. 100 computers for pupil use (9 hours a day), all networked and with e-mail and internet access.

The arts

Music: All Year 7 pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams can be taken. Some 10 musical groups including school bands, orchestra, choir, woodwind, jazz, folk groups. School band award winners in National Concert Band Festival, concert tours of Holland, Australia, Austria, Canada.
Drama & dance: A-level drama offered. Many pupils are involved in school productions.
Art & design: On average, 40 take GCSE, 15+ A-level. Some work kept by A-level exam board as example of highest standard (2 recent years).

Sport & activities

Sport: Rugby, netball compulsory. Optional: cricket, hockey, basketball, athletics, rounders. Sixth form only: golf, squash.
Activities: Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. CCF optional at age 14+. Extensive opportunities for community service, particularly in sixth form. Flourishing SVP group; some 20 sixth formers working with Handicapped Children’s Pilgrimage Trust (Lourdes). Over 30 clubs, eg Justice & Peace, debating, horticulture, chess, design, art, jazz, Amnesty, music, IT, dance, French.

School life

Uniform: School uniform worn throughout.
Houses & prefects: Prefects, head boy/girl.
Religion: Worship encouraged.
Social: Debating competitions. Language exchanges and other trips abroad. Pupils allowed to bring own car, bike or motorbike to school. Meals self-service. School shop selling uniform. No tobacco or alcohol allowed.

Pupils failing to produce homework would be detained; those caught in possession of cannabis would be automatically expelled.

Alumni association
is run by Mrs J Ledwidge, c/o the school.

Former pupils
Lord Birt (former Director General, BBC); Kevin McNamara MP; Kevin Dunn (ITN correspondent); William Hanrahan (BBC); Archbishop Vincent Nichols; Roger McGough (poet); John Price (News Editor, Independent); Prof Laurie Taylor; Prof David Crystal; Bishop John Rawsthorne; Sir Ivor Roberts (HM Ambassador to Irish Republic).