英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


The John Lyon School







The John Lyon School,約翰萊恩中學,約翰萊恩學校 Middle Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA2 0HN
Tel: 020 8872 8400 Fax: 020 8872 8455
Website: www.johnlyon.org
• BOYS, 11–18, Day
• Pupils 550, Upper sixth 75
• Termly fees £3395
• Enquiries to the Headmaster. Application to the Admissions Secretary

What it’s like

Founded in 1876, it has agreeable premises on the west side of Harrow Hill amidst gardens. There are spacious playing fields nearby. There have been substantial additions and improvements over the years including an assembly hall, laboratories, library, sports hall and a swimming pool. Boys spend their first year in Oldfield, the junior school, which is housed in a separate building. Some religious education is provided weekly for all pupils throughout the school. There are regular school assemblies. A sound general education is given and examination results are very good. Music and drama are strong. A fair range of sports and games is provided and there is a plentiful variety of extra-curricular activities. Sixth formers are sponsored for leadership training with Outward Bound. About 120 boys a year are involved in Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.

School profile

Pupils & entrance

Pupils: Age range 11–18; 550 day boys.
Entrance: Main entry ages 11, 13 and 16. Own entrance exam used. State school entry, 50% main intake (plus few to sixth form).

Scholarships & bursaries
12 pa scholarships awarded at 11, 13 and 16.

Head & staff

Headmaster: Kevin Riley, in post from 2005.
Teaching staff: 50 full time, 2 part time. Annual turnover 7%. Average age 43.

Exam results

GCSE: In 2003, 85 pupils in fifth: 95% gained at least grade C in 8+ subjects, 4% in 5–7 subjects. Average GCSE score 64 (60 over 5 years).
A-levels: 75 in upper sixth: 15% passed in 4+ subjects; 75% in 3 subjects. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 348.

University & college entrance
87% of sixth-form leavers go on to a degree course (10% after a gap year), 6% to Oxbridge. 9% take courses in medicine, dentistry & veterinary science, 38% in science & engineering, 33% in humanities & social sciences, 20% in other vocational subjects eg estate management, computing, banking, music. Others typically go on to professional training.

GCSE, AS and A-levels. 22 AS/A-level subjects.
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3 at A-level; general studies taught but not examined. 46% take science A-levels; 34% arts/humanities; 20% both. Key skills taught where covered in AS-levels.
Languages: French and German offered to GCSE and A-level. Regular exchanges to France.
ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject (1 lesson/week in Years 7–8) and across the curriculum. 36+ computers for pupil use (8 hours a day), all networked and with e-mail and internet access.

The arts

Music: Over 30% of pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams can be taken. Some 6 musical groups including choirs, orchestras, wind band, chamber groups.
Drama: Drama offered at GCSE and A-level. Some pupils are involved in school productions and house/other productions.
Art & design: On average, 14 take GCSE, 4 A-level. Design, pottery and photography also offered.

Sport & activities

Sport: Football, cross-country, cricket, athletics, swimming compulsory. Optional: tennis, badminton, table tennis, volleyball, archery, karate, golf, squash. 5 county players (soccer and cricket).
Activities: Pupils take bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Community service optional. Up to 15 clubs, eg computer, stamp, bridge, chess, photography, art, indoor games, debating, karate.

School life

Uniform: School uniform to Year 11; dress code in sixth form.
Houses & prefects: Competitive houses. Prefects, head boy, head of house and house prefects – appointed by the Headmaster.
Religion: All pupils attend assemblies.
Social: Choral concerts, theatrical events and community service jointly with other local schools. Foreign trips to eg France, Germany; cricket tour to South Africa, ski trip to USA. Pupils allowed to bring own bike to school; car in upper sixth. Meals self-service. No tobacco or alcohol allowed.

Pupils failing to produce homework once might expect lines or lunch-time detention; those caught with illegal drugs on the premises can expect to be told to leave the school.