英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


Warwick School







Warwick School 華威中學(xué), 華威學(xué)校

Myton Road,
Warwick CV34 6PP
Tel: 01926 776400 Fax: 01926 401259

• BOYS, 7–18, Day & Boarding (full & weekly)
• Pupils 1086, Upper sixth 110
• Termly fees £2018–£2737 (Day), £4960–£5841 (Boarding), £4598–£5430 (Weekly)
• Enquiries/application to the Admissions Secretary


Founded in c.914 and later chartered by Edward the Confessor (the putative patron), it moved in 1879 to its present site, on the banks of the Avon. The main building is an arresting example of the rococo Tudor style and other buildings have developed round it in an E-shaped pattern. There are several impressive Victorian buildings and a variety of much more recent ones including a sixth-form centre, music department, and a performing arts centre, the Bridge House Theatre. Large playing fields lie alongside. A C of E foundation, in which attendance at chapel is compulsory with considerable emphasis on religious education. There are long-standing and very close associations between the school and the town and there is vigorous local support. Academic standards and achievements are of a high order and examination results are very good. The music, drama and art departments are very strong. The school boasts a number of clubs and societies which cater for almost every conceivable need. There is an excellent range of sports and games and high standards are attained (20 or more representatives at county level). Another notable feature is the substantial commitment to local community schemes and to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.


Pupils & entrance

Pupils: Total age range 7–18; 1086 boys (1036 day, 50 boarding). Senior department 11–18, 851 boys.
Entrance: Main entry ages 7, 11, 13 and 16. Own entrance exam used; for sixth-form entry, 5 GCSEs at least grade B (including in sixth-form subjects). No special skills or religious requirements. State school entry up to 50% of new intakes at both 11 and 16.

Scholarships, bursaries & extras
22+ pa scholarships, value 15%–100% fees, awarded at 11, 13 and 16: 19 academic, 3+ music. 19 pa Warwick Foundation places available, means-tested up to full fees, some restricted to residents of Warwick town. Parents not expected to buy textbooks, paper/exercise books or pay exam fees; extras include lunch, instrumental tuition.

Head & staff

Headmaster: Edward Halse, appointed 2002. Educated at Garw Grammar School and universities of Cardiff (economics) and Bristol. Previously Headmaster at Kent College, Canterbury, Second Master at Dauntsey’s, House Master at Kelly College and Head of Economics at King’s College, Madrid.
Teaching staff: 79 full time, 11 part time. Annual turnover 5%. Average age 40.

Exam results

GCSE: In 2003, 119 pupils in upper fifth, all gained at least grade C in 5+ subjects. Average GCSE score 65 (64 over 5 years).
A-levels: 110 in upper sixth. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 448.

University & college entrance
100% of sixth-form leavers go on to a degree course (13% after a gap year). 42% take courses in science & engineering, 36% in humanities & social sciences, 22% other subjects.

GCSE, AS and A-levels. 20 GCSE subjects, 24 AS/A-level and a sixth-form Japanese course.
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4–5 subjects at AS-level, 3–4 at A-level; in addition, all take AS and A-level general studies. 17% take science A-levels; 35% arts/humanities; 48% both. Key skills integrated into sixth form courses.
Languages: French (from age 8), German and Spanish offered to GCSE, AS and A-level; also Japanese. Regular exchanges to France, Germany and Spain.
ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject (1 period/week Years 7–9) and across the curriculum (eg maths, geography, languages, DT). 120+ computers for pupil use (9 hours a day), all networked and with e-mail and internet access. 12 in library study area, others in specific classrooms.

The arts

Music: All pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams can be taken. Some 8+ musical groups including wind band, orchestra, swing band, chamber group etc. Members of county youth orchestra, string orchestra.
Drama: Drama offered; GCSE and A-level may be taken. Many pupils involved in school and house/other productions. Regular performances in the community. Some boys take part in RSC productions.
Art & design: On average, 25 take GCSE, 5 A-level. Design, pottery, photography, sculpture, etching, silkscreen printing also offered. Pupils’ work exhibited at ISADA exhibition.

Sport & activities

Sport: Rugby, cricket, athletics, swimming, hockey, cross-country, tennis, athletics, badminton, squash, canoeing, water polo, rowing, real tennis, clay pigeon shooting, martial arts, basketball. Many county representatives, with occasional national, in all sports.
Activities: Pupils take bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (some 12 gold participants). CCF or community service compulsory in Years 9–10. Some 20 clubs, eg archery, basketball, bridge, chess, clay-pigeon shooting, climbing, community service, geographical, golf, history & politics, Russian, photographic, Young Enterprise.

School life

Uniform: School uniform worn, modified in sixth form.
Houses & prefects: 6 competitive houses. Prefects and boarding house prefects elected; head boy appointed. School Council.
Religion: Compulsory Chapel.
Social: Joint concert, plays and society meetings with King’s High Girls’ School. Organised trips to Canada, USA, Germany, France. Upper sixth allowed to bring own car/bike to school. Meals self-service. School shop. No tobacco or alcohol allowed.

Pupils failing to produce homework could expect detention; those caught smoking cannabis on the premises could expect expulsion.

Prefects and upper sixth have own study bedroom, most others in doubles. Junior and senior houses. Central dining room. Sixth formers may prepare light snacks in own kitchen. Half-term and 2 weekend exeats each term. Visits to the local town allowed daily from the age of 13.

Alumni association
is run by Mr K O’Gorman, Secretaary, Old Warwickian Association, 1 Church Street, Warwick CV34 4AB.