英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


Wellingborough School







Wellingborough School,威靈堡中學(xué),威靈堡學(xué)校 Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN8 2BX
Tel: 01933 222427 Fax: 01933 271986

• CO-ED, 3–18, Day
• Pupils 836, Upper sixth 69
• Termly fees £1704–£2997
• Enquiries/application to the Headmaster


Founded in 1595 as a boys’ school, it is now fully co-educational having first admitted girls in 1979. It has occupied its present site since 1881; this is an attractive, compact campus (on the south side of the town) with pleasant buildings, lovely gardens and ample playing fields (about 50 acres in all). There have been many developments in the last 20 years and the school has first-rate facilities; recent improvements include astroturf pitches, an ICT centre and a science and maths building. A pre-preparatory school (recently extended), provides the possibility of continuous education from 3–18. Chapel services and teaching are in accordance with the principles of the Church of England. A well-run school, it provides a sound general education with good examination results. Music, drama, art & design technology are regarded as particularly important disciplines and activities. An excellent range of sports and games in which high standards are achieved (a lot of representatives at county and national level). There is also a good variety of extra-curricular activities. Some commitment to local community service and a promising record in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.


Pupils & entrance

Pupils: Total age range 3–18; 836 day pupils (498 boys, 338 girls). Senior department 13–18; 361 pupils (223 boys, 138 girls).
Entrance: Main entry ages, 3–4, 8, 11, 13 and 16. Common Entrance and own tests used; for sixth-form entry, 6 GCSEs at least grade C (grade B in sixth-form subjects). All skills welcomed; Christian environment (C of E chapel services). 25% of new pupils over 11 from state schools. 90% senior intake from own preparatory school.

Scholarships, bursaries & extras
16 pa scholarships: 9 academic, 2 music, 3 sport, 2 art (5 at 11, 7 at 13 and 4 into sixth form). Variable number of bursaries. Parents expected to buy GCSE and A-level textbooks.

Head & staff

Headmaster: Garry Bowe, in post from 2004. Educated at Barnard Castle School and universities of Kent (history, politics) and Leeds. Previously Deputy Headmaster of the school and Director of Sixth Form at Edinburgh Academy.
Teaching staff (senior school): 42 full time, 2 part time. Annual turnover 10%. Average age 40.

Exam results

GCSE: In 2003, 74 pupils in upper fifth: 82% gained at least grade C in 8+ subjects; 14% in 5–7 subjects. Average GCSE score 54 (56 over 5 years).
A-levels: 69 in upper sixth: 2% passed in 4+ subjects; 84% in 3 subjects. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 304.

University & college entrance
88% of 2003 sixth-form leavers went on to a degree course (29% after a gap year). 3% took courses in medicine, dentistry & veterinary science, 25% in science & engineering, 46% in humanities & social sciences, 5% in art & design, 21% in other vocational subjects eg hotel & catering, nursing, medical technology.

GCSE, AS and A-levels. 16 GCSE subjects, 21 AS and 18 A-level subjects.
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3 at A-level; general studies is not taken. 11% take science A-levels; 48% arts/humanities; 40% both.
Vocational: Work experience encouraged in lower sixth.
Special provision: Extra help given to dyslexic pupils if needed (follow normal timetable).
Languages: French (from age 11) and German offered at GCSE and A-level.
ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject (1 lesson a week in Year 9) and across the curriculum (eg spreadsheets in maths, databases and wordprocessing in many subjects, CAD); pupils take ICAA certificates of competence. 120 networked computers for use of pupils, 9 hours a day, all with e-mail and internet access; also AV facilities, CD server and scanners, video conferencing..

The arts

Music: Over 30% of pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams can be taken. Several musical groups including orchestras, concert bands, flute ensemble, guitar, recorder groups. Chapel choir sings by invitation in several cathedrals.
Drama & dance: Both offered, including GCSE and AS-level drama. Some pupils are involved in school productions and majority in house/other productions.
Art & design: On average, 30 take GCSE art, 12 A-level; 40 take GCSE design & technology, 12 A-level. Design, pottery, design and technology also offered. Annual school art competition open to all of school age in UK.

Sport & activities

Sport: Football, cricket, rugby, athletics compulsory for boys; netball, hockey, athletics for girls. Optional: cross-country, tennis, shooting. County, regional and national hockey and county schools cricket representatives.
Activities: Pupils take bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. DoE or CCF for 2 years at age 14. Young Enterprise. Extensive activities programme (60+ per week), including debating, music-making, history and politics, environment, public-speaking, general knowledge.

School life

Uniform: School uniform worn to 16; dress code in sixth form.
Houses & prefects: Competitive houses. Prefects, head boy/girl, head of house and house prefects – appointed by Headmaster after consultation.
Religion: Compulsory chapel services (C of E).
Social: Sporting and cultural competitions with local schools. Annual skiing party. Lunch self-service. Breakfast/tea service for parents and pupils. School shop. No tobacco or alcohol allowed.

Pupils failing to produce homework once might expect to do it for next morning, detention for repeated offence. Graded punishment dependent on nature of offence and circumstances of pupil.

Alumni association
is run by Mr M H Askham, c/o the school.

Former pupils
David Wilson-Johnson (baritone); Sir Ray Whitney MP; General Sir Peter Hudson; Major-General Richard Peck.