英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy

Wycliffe College







Wycliffe, Stonehouse 懷柯利福中學,懷柯利福學院
Gloucestershire GL10 2JQ
Tel: 01453 822432 Fax: 01453 827634
Website: www.wycliffe.co.uk
• CO-ED, 2_–18 Day, 7–18 Boarding
• Pupils 800, Upper sixth 75
• Termly fees £1430–£4415 (Day), £6090–£6570 (Boarding)
• Enquiries/application to the Registrar


Founded in 1882 by G W Sibly, the first Headmaster. It is now fully co-educational having first admitted girls in 1971. The College enjoys a very fine 60-acre, semi-rural site in the Gloucestershire countryside, within easy range of Gloucester, Cheltenham, Bath and Bristol. The buildings – some 16th century, and some typically Cotswold – are loosely scattered over a campus which has magnificent grounds and playing fields. Recent developments include an astroturf sports pitch, sixth-form halls of residence, modernised boarding houses (with sauna and jacuzzi), a sports hall and swimming pool. The junior school is on a 27-acre site adjacent to the senior school. It is inter-denominational (the fine chapel was built by pupils and staff in the 1950s) but welcomes pupils from other religions. It offers full-time qualified EFL instruction for overseas pupils. A one-year development sixth form prepares pupils for A-level. A well-organised school in which there is much enterprise and energy; examination results are good. There is much strength in music, drama, art & design technology. An excellent range of sports and games, with a large number of representatives at county, national and international level; squash, sculling and basketball are particularly strong. Over 70 extra-curricular activities, including CCF and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme.


Pupils & entrance

Pupils: Total age range 2_ –18, 800 pupils, 470 day (280 boys, 190 girls) 330 boarding (220 boys, 110 girls). Senior department 13–18, 420 pupils (270 boys, 150 girls).
Entrance: Main entry ages 13 and 16 (into main sixth form or one-year development sixth form). Common Entrance, scholarship and interview used. For sixth form entry at least 5 GCSEs at grade C. All skills welcomed; no religious requirements. Small state school entry at 13 (45% to sixth form). 35% of senior intake from the junior school (transfer is automatic).

Scholarships & bursaries
Scholarships up to 50% of fees, awarded at 10, 11, 13 and 16: academic, sport, art, drama, music, design & technology. Additional bursaries available in cases of financial need.

30%+ live within 30 miles; 35%+ live overseas.

Head & staff

Headmaster: Dr Tony Collins, in post from 1998. Educated at Tiffin School, and at the universities of Cambridge and Oxford. Previously Second Master at Stowe and College Lecturer at New College and Merton College, Oxford.
Teaching staff: 50 full-time, 10 part-time. Average age 40.

Exam results

GCSE: In 2003, 70 pupils in Year 11: 66% gained at least grade C in 8+ subjects; 18% in 5–7 subjects. Average GCSE score 52 (55 over 5 years).
A-levels: 75 in upper sixth: 80% passed in 3+ subjects; 20% in 2 subjects. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 320.

University & college entrance
94% of sixth-form leavers go on to a degree course (41% after a gap year), 5% to Oxbridge. 18% take courses in science & engineering, 34% in humanities & social sciences, 12% in art and drama, 26% in business, 10% in vocational subjects eg agriculture, PE, teaching, tourism. Others typically go on to art, drama or music colleges or the armed forces.

GCSE, AS and A-levels. 22 subjects at GCSE, AS and A-level (including computing, theatre studies, PE, business studies, psychology, accounting).
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 3–4 subjects at both AS and A-level. 25% take science/maths A-levels; 25% arts/humanities; 50% both. Key skills included in life skills course, taken by all. Also one-year development course for students wishing to spend further year preparing for A-levels for pupils from overseas (comprises EFL plus IT, business skills, management and leadership training).
Vocational: Life skills programme in each year group. Work experience available; also certificated study in English/French for business, sport studies, health and safety, etc.
Special provision: Individual EFL lessons; support English; specialist dyslexia unit; maths masterclasses.
Languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian and Japanese offered to GCSE, AS and A-level; also A-Level French for professional use.
ICT: Taught both as a discrete subject (1–2 lessons/week Years 9–11) and across the curriculum (eg digital imaging, design etc for art, drama, IT, media studies). Pupils take GCSE short course. 100+ computers for pupil use (14 hours a day), all networked and with e-mail and internet access. Network across the campus, with wireless networking for laptops in teaching areas and boarding houses.

The arts

Music: Over 30% of pupils learn a musical instrument; GCSE, AS and A-level music may be taken. Musical groups include orchestra, string group, concert band, jazz band, choirs and chamber groups. Music tours.
Drama & dance: Drama and dance offered; GCSE and A-level theatre studies may be taken. School productions popular, several a year. Wycliffe Youth Theatre Company tours.
Art & design: On average, 20 take GCSE, 16 A-level. Design, pottery, photography, textiles and printmaking also offered.

Sport & activities

Sport: Rugby, hockey, netball, squash, badminton, swimming, soccer, rowing, cricket, fencing, basketball, aerobics, horse riding, tennis, weights, athletics, canoeing, sub-aqua, climbing, cross-country. A-level sports studies may be taken. National rowing representatives; regional netball reps; county reps in cricket, athletics, fencing; national rowing regatta successes, national schools squash champions; county champions in netball, rugby 7s and hockey.
Activities: Pupils take bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. CCF and community service both optional. Active Wycliffe charitable organisation. Numerous clubs, eg life drawing, business, French film, board games, bridge, music, pottery, rifle shooting.

School life

Uniform: School uniform worn throughout.
Houses & prefects: Competitive houses. Prefects, head of school and deputy, head of house and house prefects – appointed by Headmaster on basis of interview by senior staff.
Religion: Worship encouraged. Compulsory daily chapel (certain faiths excused). Resident chaplain.
Social: Sixth-form centre organised by pupils. Trips abroad include for skiing, language, squash; music tours (eg Spain, Czech Republic, USA), drama tours (eg Prague, Ostrov). Day pupils in upper sixth allowed to bring own car, bike or motorbike to school. Meals self-service. School shop. No tobacco or alcohol allowed.

Detention to upgrade work; fines for smoking; random testing for drugs; expulsion for pushing drugs.

35% have own study bedroom, 35% share, 30% in dormitories of 4–6. Single-sex boarding houses of approx 45; 3 sixth-form halls with ensuite study bedrooms. Medical centre, 24 hour cover by qualified nurses. Pupils can provide and cook own food. Frequent exeats possible. Visits to local town permitted.

Alumni association
(Old Wycliffian Society), run by Frank Smith, c/o the college.

Former pupils
Jeremy Nicholas and Mike Gwilym (actors); Air Chief Marshal Sir Michael Graydon; Mark Pitman (jockey); Matthew Singer (England U21 and Saracens rugby player, now a member of staff).